
Monday, 25 November 2013

Essay- What Makes A Good Literacy Programme?

Literacy is about learning how to read and write. Literacy opens doors to our future in finding jobs and communicating with others in life. Without literacy people will finding life difficult in a way they can’t understand each other and it doesn't make sense at all.  A country that has a high level of literacy is a country that cares for its people and its future. We can now see a lot more of how literacy can change life for the better, however literacy is learning to read and write and it contributes to life in a very positive way for us as human beings.

Literacy is very important in life because we are able to read information and instructions of things in life for example, I can understand what the doctor tells me about my health and I can also read the instruction of how to take my pills. Literacy is also important because I understand people around me for example, I can communicate with my nurse when she asks me questions and I can be able to talk to the dentist when he needs me to talk. Literacy is very critical in life otherwise we will be struggling to live especially in this modern world.

Literacy contributes a lot to the success of a country. Some of the developed countries they have very high level of literacy because they understood it brings wealth and success to the country. For example, in Tonga the government has put up a law to ensure that all kids attend school from 5 years old until 16 years old. This is another way of ensuring that everyone gets education and expecting for a better future for family and country as a whole.

Furthermore literacy can change our way of living in terms of the better education we receive the greater the opportunities we have in life.  A lot of people have witnessed how much education can change our lifestyle for example, nowadays people with better education earns more money and they live in a more comfortable life while people who did not have good education they struggle in life and become obliged to the government.  People who have taken literacy more seriously do reap the benefits with greater opportunities in life.

What makes a good reading programme? A good literacy  is when the programme is interesting to every students  in the class and does create a learning environment to both students and teacher. A good reading programme also determines how well the teacher prepares to teach while students are ready to learn.

A quality teacher would have everyone to take part in the reading tasks and get them to also contribute their ideas what they think of the passage they read. A quality teacher would also get them to describe their understanding of the passage so that would allow them to think and develop their ideas. A good writing programme is when students understands what to write and read, how to write and read how it develops their ways of thinking. A Good writing programme is when students show interest by providing feedback and contributing their ideas in terms of forming a good essay of writing a good a story.



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